Happy Thanksgiving! 300 Things To Be Thankful For
Hey everyone! This is Alex and it's Thanksgiving! Yay! There are so many things to be thankful for, and I'm going to share some that I'm thankful for with you! (feel free to skim, there's a lot!) I also bolded the ones that I'm especially thankful for (the Eucharist, guardian angels, tacos, bacon, etc.)
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Image credit: newsroom.aaa.com |
- God
- Jesus
- Holy Spirit
- The Mass
- The Eucharist
- The altar
- The chalice
- The paten
- That Jesus died on the cross for us
- Saints
- Heaven
- Purgatory
- The Rosary
- Our guardian angels
- Archangels
- All other angels
- Martyrs
- The Pope
- Cardinals
- Archbishops
- Bishops
- Priests
- Deacons
- Baptism
- Reconciliation
- First Eucharist
- Confirmation
- Matrimony
- Holy Orders
- Anointing of the Sick
- Tacos
- Veggies
- Pickles
- Steamed broccoli
- Asparagus
- Edamame
- Dried ranch flavored edamame (crunch-a-mame)
- Fruits
- Mangoes
- Apples
- Bananas
- Kiwis
- Grapes
- Meat
- Hamburgers
- Bacon
- Steak
- Filet mignon (yum!)
- Pot roast
- Chicken parmesan
- Chicken pot pie
- Spicy chicken burgers
- Normal chicken burgers
- Chicken nuggets
- Hot wings (I like chicken)
- Beds
- Couches
- Band-aids
- Pencils
- Paper
- Markers
- Babies
- Laptops
- Peek-a-boo
- Puzzles
- Candyland
- Piano
- Electronic keyboards
- Canvases
- Paint
- Paintbrushes
- Chalk
- Music
- Trees
- Plants
- This blog
- Everyone reading this
- Friends
- Moms
- Dads
- Brothers
- Sisters
- Aunts
- Uncles
- Cousins
- Grandparents
- Ancestors
- Daughters
- Sons
- The sun
- The moon
- The stars
- Planets
- Ovens
- Microwave
- Lamps
- Books
- Harry Potter
- Football
- This list
- Freedom
- Pockets
- Different languages
- Team spirit
- Turkey
- Rolls
- Butter
- Pineapple
- Cranberry sauce
- Pumpkin pie
- Pecan pie (Mom's favorite)
- Apple pie
- Pixie Pear Pie
- All pies a la mode
- Changing fall leaves
- Shelter
- Fire
- Snow
- Flower bouquets
- Hot air balloons
- Fish
- Frogs
- Dogs
- Cats
- Crafts
- Parks and playgrounds
- Lakes
- Oceans
- Going fishing
- Golf
- Soccer
- Baseball
- Teachers
- Firemen
- Policemen
- Orchestra instruments (violin, tuba, harp, etc.)
- Backyards
- Hair
- Baseball hats
- A democracy
- Sunshine
- Rain
- Refrigerators
- Bicycles
- Scooters
- Ice cubes
- Colors
- Oxygen
- The atmosphere
- Chocolate
- Sleeping bags
- Airplanes
- Trains
- Cars
- Skydiving
- Washi tape
- Chemotherapy
- Babysitters
- Darlene
- Rubber bands
- Mastermind
- Card games
- Goodwill
- Catholic Charities
- Being Catholic
- Your imagination
- Knowledge
- Good role models
- Prudence
- A good education
- Piano lessons
- Violin lessons
- Spinny chairs
- Ice packs
- Purses
- Shirts
- Pants
- Shorts
- Underwear
- Sweaters
- Yoga pants
- Tank tops
- Cows
- Horses
- Pigs
- Chickens
- Salmon
- Shrimp
- Crab
- Pizza
- Nice smells
- Earrings
- Necklaces
- Rings
- Bracelets
- Glasses
- The president
- Cruise ships
- Zippers
- Buttons
- Braces (and retainers and things to make our teeth better)
- Hospitals
- Toothbrushes
- Toothpaste
- Fences
- Fireplaces
- Chimneys
- Camping
- Campfires
- S'mores
- Roasting marshmallows
- Windows
- Pom-poms
- Air conditioning
- Christmas trees
- Christmas
- Artists
- Tape
- Staplers
- Office supplies
- Tissues
- Saint Cecilia (her feast day is today!)
- Fabric
- Grass
- Freckles
- Haircuts
- Shampoo
- Conditioner
- Clocks
- Watches
- Time
- Tylenol
- Microphones
- Telephones
- Clouds
- Benches
- Precious jewels
- Bricks
- Wood
- Shoes
- TV
- Sprinklers
- Movies
- Mosquito control
- Cleaning people
- Waiters and waitresses
- Sunscreen
- Memories
- Star Wars
- Banks
- Grocery stores
- Chick-fil-A
- Chipotle
- Sports
- Karate
- Karate movies
- Zoos
- Aquariums
- The army
- The navy
- The air force
- The coast guard
- The Botanic Gardens
- Helicopters
- Ambulances
- Doctors
- Nurses
- Animal shelter people
- Technicians
- Dentists
- Orthodontists
- Telescopes
- Radiation machines
- Radios
- Roads
- Highways
- Taxis
- Uber
- Buses
- Field trips
- Recess
- Breakfast
- Lunch
- Dinner
- Record players
- Holidays
- Google Home Assistant
- Cardboard
- Names
- Appliances
- Insurance
- Funny Geico commercials
- Birds
- Reptiles
- Amphibians
- Crustaceans
- Brain Games
- Kindles (e-book readers)
- Tea and coffee
Thanks everyone! Don't forget to go to Thanksgiving Mass! (I'll add some more things later!)
Alexis, Anna, Dad, Mom, and Meme
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