How To: Write a Letter to Santa Claus

Hey everybody! I hope you like this green-and-red coloring. It's Alex, as you might have guessed, and I'm sorry we haven't posted in a while. I'm guessing ya'll aren't very happy about that because our stats are in the toilet (we've had two views in the past week from Anna and our grandpa). So I'm making a resolution to post more regularly, and start something new!

So I'm guessing you know about Anna's Quiz Bizzes (she likes making them)... so I'm going to make a bunch of How-Tos! Maybe I'll think of a cool alliteration name, but for now, I'm just going to call them Alex's How-Tos.

Image result for santa
Image credit: google Santa tracker

Step 1: Paper

Image result for santa letter template printable

Get a piece of paper. There are tons of cool free printable templates out there, but since we're all too lazy to open another tab and look for them, I'll put some here for you. 
But a plain old piece of lined or blank paper works too.

Step 2: Start Writing!

Image result for writing
Image Credit to Wikipedia
Start with Dear Santa Claus, or Dear St. Nicholas, or Dear Kris Kringle, or other names you want to call him, Father Christmas or Pelznickel or whatever. These are the things you should put in your letter (in this order). 

  • Address him (see above)
  • How you've been behaving 
  • How he's doing
  • How his elves, wife, etc. are doing
  • What you want for Christmas
  • What your family wants for Christmas
  • What your friends want for Christmas
  • Other questions you might want to ask him
  • From, Sincerely, Love, etc. 
This is what a letter from a nice child might be:

Dear Santa Claus,
I've been very good this year. I hope you've been feeling well and don't get sick from eating so many cookies. Are Mrs. Claus and the elves doing all right? We named our Elf on the Shelf Fisbee. I would like a new bike for Christmas. Mom and Dad want world peace and Susie wants a doll. My friend Oliver wants a video game. What's your favorite food?
Nice Child

This is what a letter from a not-so-nice child might be:

Dear St. Nick,

Well... you can't say I didn't try. I wasn't trying to break the window or get paint on Dad's new car, it just happened! It was fate. I hope you're not too old to fly the sled because I want my presents! I want a new pair of sneakers, a video game, a computer, and a pony for Christmas. I don't know what Mom and Dad want. Do you get any presents for Christmas?
Less Nice Child

Step 3: Sending it

Image result for mailbox
Image Credit google

There are several ways to get your letter to Kris Kringle. You could: 

  • Mail it
    • This might work, but it's hard to find a real address and he might not get the letter before the presents arrive under the tree. I don't recommend it.
  • Put it in your stocking
    • I like this one because the big guy can look at the letters and just grab whatever you want out of the bag, but then again it might not work if the gift you want is difficult and needs to be pre made.
  • Give it to your Elf on the Shelf
    • Yes please! Since the elf goes back to the North Pole every night, he or she can give it straight to him. But not everyone has an Elf on the Shelf. 
  • Burn it in the fireplace and trust that Santa, since he goes down the chimney, will use his ESP to sense exactly what your letter says, even if it's just ashes when he goes to deliver your presents.
    • I'm not really sure why anyone would do this... whatever makes you happy.
  • Use this template online thing to commune with Santa 
    • I know it sounds strange, but it actually works.  Make sure an adult is with you. Here's the link.
  • Go to a mall or something that has Santa showings and tell him.
    • I love doing this. I want to go there every day and tell Santa what I want for Christmas (a parrot)! This is my top recommendation.

Step 4: Wait for your results

Santa might respond to you that night, or you might get your response by getting what you want!

I hope all of you enjoy this and write your own letters to Santa!

Merry Christmas!



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