10 Websites That Will Calm You Down

Hi! When things aren't going your way, to de-stress most people go to look up dancing animals, piglets wearing clothes or dog-shaming.  However, there are several websites on the Internet designed to make you calm. This is Alex, and I want to share some of them with you!

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1: donothingfor2minutes.com
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This is exactly what it says. There is a beach background and a timer. If you touch your keyboard, mouse, or screen, it will start over.

2. cat-bounce.com

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There's nothing more relaxing than watching a bunch of stiff-legged cats bounce around the screen. And for a perk, you can "make it rain" where a rainfall of cats falls for a few seconds. You start with 6 cats, but you can reload the page and get them back if you send them flying off the page.

3. https://www.tistheseasonto.be/snowing/

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Relaxing music plays while you watch fat snowflakes fall to the ground over an iced lake framed with hibernating trees.

4. weavesilk.com

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This is my favorite. Draw on one side, and a symmetrical light appears on the other. You can switch between colors and blend them. My favorite thing to do is press down in the middle and watch it grow. It also makes great wallpapers!

5. neonflames.com

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Before I found neonflames, Silk was my favorite. Now, I'm having a hard time deciding between the two. Create a stunning galaxy with bright colors on an ink-black background. This is incredible. Don't miss out on it.

6. calmingmanatee.com

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Just click on the red "Calming Manatee" button and a cute meme with manatees will pop up. So simple, yet so effective.

7. soundrown.com

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Click on the buttons to add sounds to a mix. They also change the background so you can look at something pretty, too. This is perfect for studying, sleeping, and meditating.

8. loungev.com

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Pick between several nature videos with relaxing sounds. My favorite is the one with waves crashing on the beach on a summer day.

9. asoftmurmur.com

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If I had to choose my favorite sound website, this would be it. There are so many choices that I love, like Singing Bowl and Waves. And you can choose how much of each sound you want, and then save your mixes so you can listen to them later.

10. make-everything-ok.com

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Press the button. It will load for a bit, then it will proclaim that "Everything is OK now." It also adds that if everything is still not OK, check your settings of perception of objective reality.

These websites are both hilarious and calming. I hope you agree!



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