37 Piglets Rocking Clothes

Hi! This is Alexis. I think our recent posts have been kind of serious.... and there's no better way to take a break from seriousness than to check out some piglets in clothes.
Image result for piglets wearing clothes

1. He's ready to lasso some cows.''

Image result for piglets wearing clothes

2. Yes, I'll have to schedule a meeting with you today.

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3. Let's hit the beach.

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4. The skirt, the bow, and the pig. Sounds like a fantasy.

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5. The casual dad t-shirt.

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6. The flower bonnet is too much. Cuteness overload.

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7. This is where the bikini came to be.

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8. The rare Fluffy Piggus Unicornius.

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9. The best part is how they trained him to push the shopping cart.

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10. On the beach, sippin' from a coconut pink plastic bowl

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11. Plaid is all the rage. 

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12. The pale pink frames her.

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13. Like twins.

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14. In case it rains, he can still be adorable. 

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15. Big sister/little sister. Matching outfits. Seem familiar?

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16. Silent, brooding, teen piglet.

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17. I know, I know. He's not wearing clothes. But he's too cute not to post!

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18. The little old lady down the street. 

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19. Sleeping... sweater... socks. What could be better?

Image result for piglets wearing clothes sleeping sweater socks

20. I want her in my mailbox on Saint Valentine's Day!

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21. And I want her to be the mailpig.

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22. What's black, white, and red all over? This adorable pig!

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23. The cutest Christmas dress... on the cutest Christmas pig.

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24. Not only does that sweater look comfy... but we wanna snuggle with the wearer, too!

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25. Wait, what? She's a pig? Not a pansy?

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26. Vintage sunny day pic. 

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27. It's a Hollywood musical, yall.

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28. The best pirate. 

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29. Living up to his dreams.

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30. Even his stance implies the "teacher's pet" persona. Even though I'm not a teacher, I want him as my pet!

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31. That hat is adorable.

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32. Royalty. Pick up my poop, slave human.

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33. Pig in a taco costume. What's not to love?

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34. Dream big, princess.

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35. Tap dancing is fun, but pigs in the tap-dance hats are better.

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36. All of the sudden, rain boots became popular! I wonder why...

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37. Ready for school!

Image result for baby pigs wearing clothes plaid

I hope these cute pics brightened your day!



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