Top Eight Marvel Superheroes (with gifs!)

Hello, Alexis speaking! I heard making a TOPTEN list will make your blog more popular. So here I am, making a TOPTEN! Well, more like a Top Eight.
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1: Spiderman
Okay, this is pretty obvious. After Infinity War came out, Spiderman has shot to the top of everyone's lists.
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2: Ironman
He's kind of the best superhero, in my opinion. I love this gif because he seems like a whole different "person" once he puts his costume on. Tony Stark...Ironman!
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3: Captain America
He's pretty cool, I guess, but I never found him one of my favorites. He is one of the world's favorites, so I have to add him, although I found the "Soldier Serum" interesting.
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4: The Hulk
I'm paraphrasing from a book: "Captain America met two gods and is still a Christian. Ironman met two gods and is still an atheist. The Hulk met two gods and fought them both." That pretty much sums up his entire personality.
Image result for the hulk gif
5: Deadpool
He is apparently the funniest superhero in Marvel. His funny movie moments star with the 4th wall break, insults, and obviously slapstick humor.
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6: Black Panther
Eating a special heart-shaped herb gives him enhanced strength, speed, agility, stamina, durability, healing, and superhumanly acute senses.
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7: Black Widow
Black Widow features in amazing agility fighting. She's a master acrobat, aerialist, gymnast, athlete, and martial artist: she stars in jujitsu, aikido, boxing, judo, karate, savate, ninjitsu, kung fu, and Kenpo. (and pepper spray, hence the gif)
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8: Wolverine
He is nearly immortal with animal-keen senses and trademark retractable razor-sharp claws on each hand (or paw).
Image result for wolverine gif
I hope you liked this! I'll try to make more Top Tens (or eights) in the future!


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