Organic DIY Mosquito Bite Cure!

Alexis speaking.

Summer is one of the best times of the year. Sun, sand, snacks, and most importantly, no school add up to the overall favorite season for almost everybody. However, there is one thing that makes summer a dreaded period: mosquitos. It seems like these little blood munchers love sucking blood the most in the summer, where everyone is outside for gorgeous Texas weather.

Using ingredients picked up over the years, I have formed a tested and effective remedy for these itching nuisances. This will stop the itching and swelling almost immediately, and if you use it often, the mosquito bites will disappear.

Ingredients to make 1/2 of a cup of the remedy:
About 10 drops of lime juice
About 3 drops of lemon juice (optional)
1/8 tsp baking soda
1/8 tsp vinegar
1 1/2 tsp salt
1/2 cup water, room temperature

Pour the water into a small bowl or measuring cup. Add the vinegar and baking soda and stir well. The mixture should be light tan or sienna. Add the salt in 1/2 tsp at a time and stir until the salt is no longer on the bottom. Now it should be light tan but whiter. Put in the lime juice and stir well.

To use:

Take a washcloth and run it under warm water. Make sure the salt is not on the bottom. Dip the washcloth in the remedy and rub it on the mosquito bites. Let it air dry or gently dab with a dry washcloth. Use it every hour or so until they disappear.

I hope you like this and I hope it works for you!


Image result for cartoon mosquito

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