Recycled Houses: This Surprising Material is Stronger Than Bricks!

Hello! This is Alexis.

When you look for building material, plastic water bottles are not usually at the top of the list. But have you noticed how durable they are? I'm sure all of you have absentmindedly tried to cut or rip apart a water bottle and found that you couldn't.

Why are water bottles so strong? This thin plastic can be crumpled easily but they are one of the strongest materials ever. Try throwing a plastic bottle full of water at a brick wall repeatedly until it bursts. Now study the bricks. Actually, don't try this, because your brick wall will be visibly damaged!

In desert cities, people are taking their bottles and filling them with sand. Stacking them on top of each other and gluing them creates an incredibly tough wall to protect them from sandstorms. Here are some cool photos!

Image result for sand filled bottle houses
Image result for sand filled bottle houses
Image result for sand filled bottle houses
Image result for sand filled bottle houses

Here are some links so you can learn how to build your own sand-filled bottle house!  (method 3)

I hope you liked this and construct your own miniature sand-filled bottle house in your backyard!


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