Little Known Facts About Big Nate

Hello. Anna here. Have you read the Big Nate series by Lincoln Peirce? If you haven’t, you should! If you have,
aI present to you...

Little-Known Big Nate Facts!
  • Nate is 4 feet and six inches tall (54 inches)
  • Nate weighs 86 pounds
  • Principal Nichols’ first name is Wesley
  • Francis’ full name is Francis Butthurst Pope
  • Dee Dee’s middle name is Dorcas (NOT Dorkus)
  • Wink Summer’s real name is Dick Shipp
  • Big Nate first launched on January 7, 1991
  • P.S. 38 is over 100 years old
  • Coach John wears a toupee
  • Chad has a crush on Maya (Maya likes him back)
  • Teddy’s full name is Teddy Г (square root) Orwits
  • Teddy’s parents are math teachers
  • Gina has a crush on Chad
  • Once Nate scored higher on a social studies test than Gina! (92 vs. 93)
  • Nate loves Cheez Doodles (Okay, maybe that’s not “little-known”)
Thank you for reading my blog post. I apologize that there have not been many blog posts these past weeks,
and I’m trying to make up for it. Please read my blog post with dog memes! -Anna

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