Mom's Quiz: Can You Surpass... The Mom?

Hello!  This is Mom, stopping by the blog for a quick quiz to help you get to know our kids better.  Can you tell which kid is which?

Answer options:
1 = Alexis
2 = Anna
3 = Evan
4 = Emmett
5 = Elizabeth
6 = Amelia

  1. Who has eaten pizza for 3 of the last 4 meals?
  2. Who acted as a naptime ninja today, pulling down and unplugging the video monitor, without leaving her crib?
  3. Who almost blew away in our Fort Worth spring winds?
  4. Who wants to listen to “I’m a crazy weirdo and I’m calling you?” over and over?
  5. Who gave a report on Mt. Vesuvius today and then simulated one of its eruptions?
  6. Who showed Mom how great she is on the swings?
  7. Who is getting really good at gelling his hair?
  8. Who played 2 rounds of BINGO with me today (March 23, 2018) and tied both rounds?
  9. Who is super appreciative that she is allowed to do something online like a blog?
  10. Who is my favorite?


1=1 | 2= 6| 3= 2,3,4,5 | 4=4 | 5=2 | 6 = 5 | 7 = 3 | 8= 3 | 9 = 1 |10 = It’s a six-way tie!

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